Fort Lauderdale, FL
Oct. 3rd 2007

Universal Combat Collectors’ Edition Now Shipping!

First conceived by gaming industry vet Derek Smart in the late nineteen eighties with the first title,

Battlecruiser 3000AD released in 1996 by Take 2 Interactive, then re-imagined in 2004 as Universal Combat

– the long running Battlecruiser series comes to a close with the release of Universal Combat Collectors’ Edition.

This ultimate compendium spanning eleven years represents the evolution of hard core space combat sims.

It consists of full copies of the three legacy Battlecruiser retail releases in their original state. It also

contains over one hundred scenarios from all the games in Battlecruiser and Universal Combat series running

on improved versions of the Universal Combat Special Edition game engine.

Universal Combat Collectors’ Edition contains full versions and scenarios from the following titles :

  • Universal Combat Special Edition  (3000AD, Oct 2006)
  • Universal Combat A World Apart  (3000AD, Oct 2005)
  • Universal Combat Gold  (3000AD, Oct 2005)
  • Universal Combat  (Dreamcatcher Interactive, Feb 2004)
  • Battlecruiser Millennium Gold  (Dreamcatcher Interactive, March 2003)
  • Battlecruiser Millennium  (EB Games, Nov 2001) *
  • Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.0  (Interplay, Dec 1998) *
  • Battlecruiser 3000AD  (Take2, Sept. 1996) ** Full stand-alone version included on DVD-ROM

What’s in the game box :

  • Full 96-page printed manual
  • Printed keyboard sheet with color galaxy map on reverse side

For detailed info on the game engine revisions, refer to the game’s online version control file

Universal Combat CE is now shipping to retail stores with an MSRP of $29.95 USD. The ESD version available through

our digital distribution partners such as Direct2Drive, Digital River, BMT Micro etc will be available

later in November.

Universal Combat CE is rated “T”een w/ “Violence” descriptor by the ESRB.


Derek Smart Closes Down The Universe

On September 8, 2007, in Blog, by 3000ad

An article announcing the final chapter in the Universal Combat series has appeared in the Sept. issue of PC Gamer.


CGM Interviews Derek Smart

On April 15, 2007, in In the News, Interviews, by 3000ad

An in-depth interview with Derek appears in the April issue.


GameTap Announces Galactic Command Echo Squad

On February 6, 2007, in Press, by 3000ad

3000AD has inked an exclusive licensing deal with Turner’s Gametap service.

Based on updated versions of the Universal Combat – A World Apart engines, UCSE is a compilation of all three previous Universal Combat games. It also includes brand new scenarios and several enhancements.
Universal Combat (Dreamcatcher Games, 2004)
Universal Combat Gold (300AD Inc, 2005)
Universal Combat A World Apart (3000AD Inc, 2005)
Both the retail and digital distribution versions are priced at $39.95 and will be available for sale in early August via digital distribution from sites such as Digital River, IGN’s Direct2Drive and others currently carrying our other games. The CD-ROM version will also be available from our distributor, BMT Micro as well as other retail outlets.
For more information, please visit the game’s web page below.
About 3000AD Inc
Established in 1992 and headed by eighteen year industry veteran Derek Smart, 3000AD
Inc is a privately owned independent developer of PC games. The company is most
famous for its industry recognized Battlecruiser series conceived in the mid eighties.
# # #
Contact Information
Lisa Einhoffer
3000AD Inc
2569 Eagle Run LN
Weston, FL 33327
Tel: (954)-358-6851
Fax: (954)-358-6853

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