All Aspects Patch Update 1.00.35 Released

On September 14, 2009, in Patches, by 3000ad

We have today released the first public patch for All Aspect Warfare and Angle Of Attack. These bring some significant improvements over the retail version.

If you have the non-Steam version of the games, you can download the patch from any of the hosting mirrors or via the game’s “Check For Updates” shortcut.

If you have the Steam version of the games, it will auto-update once Valve makes the patches available on their servers later this week.

All Aspect Warfare changelog

Angle Of Attack changelog


We’ve just now released the long awaited Action Pack DLC for our space combat shooter. It can be downloaded from here. This is description of what it contains.

Note that GCES-SE is now priced at a measly $19.99.


The Ultimate Space Combat Bundle Sale!!

On August 4, 2009, in Promo, by 3000ad

The sale is on. Check out the sales page for some great Summer deals!


Angle Of Attack Demo

On August 4, 2009, in Blog, by 3000ad

The Angle Of Attack demo has been released. You can download it here.


All Aspect Warfare Demo Update

On July 10, 2009, in Blog, by 3000ad

The demo has today been updated. For more info, hit the forums!


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