Last Updated : 05/04/04
RC = Release Candidate (unofficial BETA release version. Usually internal release only)
New to this version
Important Note!
Planned for next version
The orientation component of the position packet therefore no longer directly sets the orientation of the object (which causes the snap). This can result in a slight delay when an object is initially created while the error correction procedure sets the proper initial orientation. During this time the object may be observed to spin. This usually occurs after docking and launching from a station.
If the chat message length is longer than might fit into the Commlink or Commlink menu, then it is broken into multiple parts e.g.
[SERVER OP] If the chat message length is longer...A reasonable attempt is made to split the message at whitespace.
...than might fit into the commlink or commlink... then it is broken into multiple parts
NOTE: This may be required for some menus as well, e.g. Zoom To menu that lists object names and status information can easily be too wide to be visible at lower resolutions if the player names are long.
Also, a problem was reported in which if the AE was assigned to an OC in a launched shuttle, on quit/restore, the Tacops waypoint orders menu only listed orders for the OC regardless of the craft selected. This is not a bug. Basically the waypoint menu is showing options valid for the SC (for example it shows TOW which is not a valid OC option), however the AE is located in the OC and the startup code is using the asset (OC) that the AE is currently located in to create the menu and not his primary asset (CC). As the OC has no OC/FC/SC/DRN assets of its own, no orders that relate to these craft will be added to the orders menu. This occurs when the game is restored and the player is not located in his primary asset. The menu revision above should alleviate this confusion but it may cause other quirks elsewhere e.g. trying to order a unit that is invalid or in a completely different region.
1) the message is never seenThe deadlock is cleared when the message queue is flushed.
2) the message remains locked in the message channel (waiting for a response)
3) the icon representing the person asking the message will remain on the display
4) further messages from the person are queued but never seen