Last Updated : 02/14/04


Installation & Upgrading Issues
Video Issues 
Audio Issues 
Controller Issues
General Issues & Stability 
Multiplayer Issues UPDATED



Q. WHEN I PUT THE CD-ROM IN THE DRIVE, THE GAME WON'T INSTALL A. Run the SETUP.EXE program from the CD-ROM. Also, during install, if Installshield finds an older version of the Windows Installer on your system, it will upgrade it and ask you to reboot the machine. You must NOT be running any virus checkers and similar utilities in the background if Installshield seems to hang during installation. If you are running WINXP and the Installshield installer won't run, just run it in Windows 98 compatibility mode. Once installed, the game itself should run fine. Also, AUTORUN won't work if you already have BCM installed. This would happen if you did not uninstall BCM using the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS dialogue which then deletes the BCM.INI file in your C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT folders. If this happens to you, just search and destroy that file. Q. THE GAME KEEPS ASKING ME TO INSERT THE CDROM! A. When running a restricted user account with fast user switching under Windows XP, some games will not start correctly. The game requests that the original disk be placed in the drive, even if it is already present. To fix this issue, download and run the this file. This software will not alter or patch any component on your system, it will only change the startup state of the system component needed to start your game from start on demand (on game load), to start at boot (on Windows XP start). Q. AFTER I INSTALL AND TRY TO PLAY, THE GAME HANGS/CRASHES A. Check the following: Q. I INSTALLED THE GAME AND WHEN I RUN IT I GET A MESSAGE "DINPUT8.DLL NOT FOUND". WHERE IS IT? A. You need to download and install DirectX 8.1b or higher Q. I WANT TO START FROM SCRATCH, HOW DO I UNINSTALL THE GAME AND APPLY THE LATEST PATCH? A. Here are the necessary steps you need to take to uninstall, re-install and patch to the latest version. Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the latest drivers for your sound and video cards. Also ensure that you have installed Microsoft Media Player 7.1 or higher and Microsoft DirectX 8.1 or higher. Q. HOW DO I PROPERLY PATCH TO A NEW VERSION? A. If you execute the patch from any folder other than where the game is installed, it won't apply properly. Follow this procedure below. Note that under win2K/winXP you must be logged in with admin rights to your system. Q. HOW DO I REVERT TO THE DEFAULT GAME CONFIGURATION SETTINGS? A. Quit BCM and use Explorer to delete the BCCONFIG.INI file which resides in the folder where the game is installed. The game will create a new one at startup. You can then go to CONFIG and change the settings as desired.



If you have any other video board, make sure you are running the latest driver version. 3000AD is NOT interested in troubleshooting manufacturer video driver issues. Please contact your video board manufacturer. You can find updated drivers for all major cards either at the card manufacturer's web site or at one of the sites listed on our gaming links page Q. WHAT RENDERING API DOES BCM SUPPORT? A. BCM requires DirectX 8.1b or higher Q. I AM HAVING VIDEO PROBLEMS I CANNOT RESOLVE A. This can be related to a lot things, primarily video drivers. Q. Why doesn�t my GeForce2 GTS video card run in AGP 4X on my Apollo Pro133A based motherboard? A. nVidia has disabled AGP4X on Apollo Pro133A platforms because of compatibility problems with Apollo Pro133A and newer nVidia drivers. Q. WHY DO THE EXPLOSIONS SEEM TO STUTTER WHEN A LOT OF THEM ARE PLAYING A. Defragment your hard drive. Also check the settings in the Sytem tab of Control Panel and ensure that your hard disk drives are set to run in DMA mode, instead of PIO. Q. I enabled anti-aliasing and now the game only displays a partial screen! A. In order to enable AA (any type), your video card must have the required amount of memory. For example, on a 16MB video card, you will not be able to run the game at 1024x768 32bit with any AA enabled. For more info on AA, check with your video card manufacturer.

If the main menu screen becomes corrupted because of an incorrect AA setting, press Q to quit from the main menu, then delete the BCCONFIG.INI file from the game install folder. On startup, a new one with default settings will be created. Q. THE GAME DISPLAYS AN ERROR OR A BLACK SCREEN WHEN I START IT UP A. This may be a video card graphics driver glitch which should clear up after the first few frames of the AVI are played. If an error is displayed, just click OK and the game will continue as normal. Note that the original Dreamcatcher logo was encoded using DivX and this may not play on certain systems. An Indeo version will be available in a future patch. The game requires Indeo 5.10 or higher codec. If the logo does not play (neither will in-game explosions and other effects), install the latest version of Windows Media Player on your system and read the next item if you have winXP. You can also disable the intro animation by editing the properties of game shortcut and adding the /n parameter. For example go to START/PROGRAMS/DREAMCATCHER and edit the target properties for the Battlecruiser Millennium Gold shortcut so that it looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\DreamCatcher\3000AD\Battlecruiser Millennium Gold\bcm.exe" /n
Q. I JUST BOUGHT A NEW SYSTEM THAT CAME WITH WINXP SERVICE PACK 1 AND THE GAME WON'T PLAY THE INTRO OR EXPLOSIONS A. With the September 2002 update to Windows XP (known as Service Pack 1), Microsoft is no longer distributing any version of the Indeo codecs with its operating system. This only affects users with new PCs that are shipping with Windows XP Service Pack 1, or clean installs of Windows XP SP1 on an older system. Installation upgrades of SP1 and the use of Windows Update does not remove existing Indeo codecs from your system.

Microsoft now have a fix via their KB 327979 article



If you have any other video board, make sure you are running the latest driver version. 3000AD is NOT interested in troubleshooting manufacturer video driver issues. Please contact your video board manufacturer. You can find updated drivers for all major cards either at the card manufacturer's web site or at several online sites Q. SOMETIMES I DON'T HEAR SOUNDS OUTSIDE MY SHIP A. The sound engine is fully 3D positional. For this reason, you won't hear sounds that are played if you are more than 75km from the sound source. e.g a ship exploding. Q. SOMETIMES THE SOUNDS SEEM TO BE CUT-OFF OR I CANNOT HEAR SOME SOUNDS A. There are reported problems with SB Live! cards, especially under WinME, which we cannot fix because they are related to the manufacturer's sound card drivers. Make sure you have the latest drivers. This problem may also occur on other sound cards. Here are some things to try: Q. MY PC HAS A VIA CHIPSET AND I HAVE AN NVIDIA VIDEO CARD. HOW DO I FIX THE NOISY PLAYBACK? A. If you get noisy playback during intensive graphics operations, read this Q. I HAVE AN SB LIVE! SOUND CARD ON MY VIA CHIPSET BASED MOTHERBOARD AND I AM HAVING PROBLEMS A. There are reported problems with motherboards based on the VIA chipset and SB Live! boards. For more info, read this. If you can afford it, get yourself a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz or other card and dump the SB Live! if you intend to keep your VIA hardware. Sharky Extreme has good reviews of most top of the line sound cards. You can also read this FAQ over on VIA Hardware. Q. HOW DO I PLAY MY OWN MP3 SONGS IN THE GAME? A. Copy them to the SOUNDFX\MUSIC folder where the game is installed and they will be added to the playlist. You can use the ALT+. and ALT+, commands to cycle the next/prev song in the playlist. Note that VBR format MP3s are not supported. Only CBR format is supported. If you are running Winamp, be sure to disable the Winamp Agent before running BCM with the music option on. Also ID3v2 tags have been known to cause a problem. So use a utility such as ID3-Tagit to remove them from the files Q. HOW DO I FIX THIS WIN ME PROBLEM WITH KMIXER.SYS? A. This is a problem in WIN ME. Please refer to the Microsoft KB Q316638 article



If you have any other video board, make sure you are running the latest driver version. 3000AD is NOT interested in troubleshooting manufacturer video driver issues. Please contact your video board manufacturer. You can find updated drivers for all major cards either at the card manufacturer's web site or at several online sites Q. MY MOUSE CURSOR SOMETIMES DOES NOT APPEAR A. If you are using the MS Plus!, Mouseware, Intellimouse or similar, change your settings to use the default Microsoft mouse cursor scheme. For example, in the Mouse Properties tab for Intellimouse, you would set the scheme to NONE.

If you have an nVidia GF2 board, make sure that you have the latest drivers.

If you have a 3Dfx board, there is no way around it. See the Video Issues section for possible workarounds. Q. MY JOYSTICK IS DRIFTING A. Calibrate it via Control Panel before starting the game. Then, once in the game, if it still drifts, put the stick down so that the handle is centered, slam the throttle (if you have one) all the way back. Then press ALT+CTRL+J to recenter it. Q. MY JOYSTICK THROTTLE DOES NOT SEEM TO BE SETTING A HIGH SPEED A. The min/max ranges of the throttle are determined by the current thrust factor set for the ship (1-9). So if you set the speed to 2, the max throttle range (slammed all the way forward), will be speed factor 2 for the craft. If you change speeds, you don't need to adjust the throttle. So, even if you had it set to 2, and the throttle is slammed all the way forward, to go higher, e.g. factor 9, just press 9 on the keyboard and the new range will be set. Q. MY X36 JOYSTICK IS CAUSING MY WEAPONS TO CYCLE REPEATEDLY A. By default the M1, M2, M3 keys are mapped to buttons 9,10,11 by the manufacturer. So, since M1 maps to button 9 used by BCM, it is the same as repeatedly pressing button 9. To counter this, move the switch to M10/M11. Q. SOMETIMES UNDER WIN2K MY JOYSTICK STOPS WORKING IN THE GAME A. This seems to happen with Logitech joysticks. I have the Wingman Interceptor and sometimes the status in Control Panel-> Gaming Options is set to UNKNOWN. Even when I do a refresh. In the end, I just delete it, then use the add option and pick it from the list. It then detects OK. This problem seems to occur if you have installed the Logitech Wingman software. I uninstalled it and started using the default Logitech Wingman drivers that come with WIN2K, and this problem went away. Q. I HAVE A FORCE FEEDBACK JOYSTICK, SO WHY CAN'T I FEEL THE FORCE A. The force is not with you because the game does not support force feedback. Q. WHY DOES MY HUD DISPLAY SOMETIMES GOES INTO CLEAN SCREEN MODE? A. This is due to over sensitive joysticks reporting incorrect readings due to the use of the HAT switch to toggle between view and target systems. Just press F1 to toggle back to your normal HUD display if this happens. Q. WHY DOES THE CTRL+J OPTION TO SWITCH MY YAW/ROLL STICK FUNCTION, NOT WORK? A. That option is only for joysticks that do not have a rudder or twist axis. If your joystick has a twist axis, it can be used to control the craft's yaw. As such, your stick already has both axis supported independently.



Q. SOMETIMES THE GAME HANGS OR QUITS ABRUPTLY. HOW DO I IMPROVE STABILITY? A. Here is a check list: Q. SOMETIMES THE GAME HANGS WHEN RESTORING A SAVED GAME A. There are reports that this could happen if you have an SB Live! card. Try adding the -x0 command line parameter to the game shortcut and see if that helps. This disables all distance attenuated sound processing and has no affect on the sounds themselves since BCM does not support A3D or EAX. Q. HOW DO I IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? A. If you have a low end system, go into the CONFIGURATION screen and turn off MP3 music playback. If you want music, simply start playing your own music CD before starting BCM. You can also toggle off some of the graphics display options. You definitely don't want 32Bit bit depth if you don't have a capable graphics card. Also, unless you are running on a system which meets or exceeds the game's recommended requirements, do not enable particle contrails. They are very expensive, especially during large fleet battles.

Run the game within the specifications for your system. i.e. don't go running at 1280x1024 if your system can't handle it. If you screw up your game settings, delete the BCCONFIG.INI file and let the game create a new one at startup. Q. DOES THE GAME RUN IN A WINDOW? A. Yes, the game runs in a window or in fullscreen. To run in a window, edit the shortcut and add the -w1 or -w2 parameter. Note that when the game runs in a window, if the current resolution set in CONFIG is smaller than your current desktop resolution, the window will be centered on the display. If you move it, it will snap back to the center. For maximum performance on high end systems, you can run the game at a window resolution that is equal to or less than your desktop resolution. In a window, the framerate is not restricted by the refresh rate of the monitor. As such, you will obtain maximum FPS. Note that running in a window is UNSUPPORTED!! Q. WHAT ARE ALL THE BCM COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS? A. The game supports several shortcut parameters, none of which are supported. Use at your own risk.

-cheat : enables various real-time cheats -i : invincibility (cheat) mode -j : ignore joystick rudder/twist axis and permit use of CTRL+J axis toggle -n : disable intro animation -w1 : window mode using resolution setting from BCCONFIG.INI -w2 : window mode using desktop resolution -lt : low terrain textures -ng : disable terrain ground plane -nm : disable terrain multitexturing -nd1 : disable terrain detail level 1 texturing -nd2 : disable terrain detail level 2 texturing -x? : 3D sound processing. Where ? is one of the following: -x0 : no 3d processing. All sounds are mono without distance attenuation -x1 : no virtualization. Only basic positioning effects -x2 : light HRTF* -x3 : full HRTF* *Head Related Transform Function WARNING! 1-3 seem to affect only software 3D processing. i.e. if sound card supports 3D in HW, then every option from 1-3 will sound the same.
Q. ARE THERE ANY CHEAT CODES IN THE GAME? A. Yes, but in order to use cheats, you must add -cheat to the shortcut properties. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!



Q. WHY IS THERE NO OPTION TO JOIN A MULTIPLAYER GAME ON THE MAIN MENU? A. You are running the single player shortcut. This has no option to join a multiplayer game. You need to use the multiplayer shortcuts (which point to a different executable) for joining or hosting a multiplayer game. Read the BCMG_MANUAL_REV.HTML file located in the DOCS folder for more info on this. Q. WHY IS THERE NO CO-OP GAMEPLAY MODE MENTIONED IN THE MANUAL? A. Because of how the game is designed, co-op play is not a straightforward feature. What this means is that you and a bunch of friends can join a server as the same RACE/CASTE and engage forces hostile to your race/caste. However, in order to keep the processing and packet requests to a minimum, the ability for bases to launch NPC crafts is disabled. So, while you can attack a station, it won't launch any fighters. It will only defend itself using turrets and missiles. Q. WHY ARE THERE NO NPC SHIP UNITS ON THE SERVER? A. If the server has the ALLOW_AG=0 parameter set in the BCSETUPMP.INI file, then no AG will occur (like it does in the single player game) on the server. In order to have NPCs on the server e.g. in the case where a group of players want to play in pseudo co-op mode by all being on the same race/caste, the server has to enable AG using ALLOW_AG=1 Q. IF THERE IS NO BUILT IN SUPPORT FOR PLAYER TO PLAYER TRADING, HOW CAN I ENJOY BEING A TRADER? A. There is no mechanism for direct player to player trading. If you want to exchange items, you would simply transfer them to a cargo pod and drop that pod for the other player to collect. Since you can't transfer galcreds (monetary unit) either, players wishing to trade with each other will have to rely on a barter system. Q. I AM A MARINE OR PILOT PLAYING ON A PLANET. HOW CAN I GO TO ANOTHER PLANET? A. You can't. The only way to do this is to quit the game, rejoin the server and select the new planet. However if you are not in an asset (vehicle or craft), you can hop from base to base (on the same planet) using a DJP (the same way you can in the single player game). Q. I AM PLAYING ON A PLANET AND IT TAKES LIKE FOREVER TO GET FROM PLACE TO PLACE. WHY? A. It shouldn't take you more than thirty minutes or less to travel from your base to a hostile base. So, if you do embark on this journey (either by vehicle or craft), you'd better know what you're doing because if you die, you will respawn at your original base. Q. THERE'S THIS GUY WHO KEEPS BOMBARDING OUR BASE FROM SPACE WITH OTS WEAPONS. HOW CAN WE STOP HIM? A. You can't from the planet. You would need another team member with a capital ship to take him out. Q. HOW DO WE SCORE IN MULTIPLAYER? A. There is no such concept in BC multiplayer. Your personal victory is in staying alive and racking up EPs. In a future update the total EPs and kills for all sides on the server will be tallied and available via an on screen command. Q. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT I CAN DO IN SINGLE PLAYER THAT I CAN'T IN MULTIPLAYER? A. Yes. Multiplayer presents a whole heap of complexities, cheat loopholes, performance issues etc. As such, some single play features are disabled. Some may become server side config options if time permits. Q. WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR HOSTING A MULTIPLAYER SERVER? A. You can host either a LAN or Internet multiplayer server. However, in order to create an Internet multiplayer server, you must have a broadband or faster connection. You should never attempt to host a multiplayer Internet server on a dial-up connection. Nor should you host an Internet server on a machine that does not meet or exceed the following guidelines.
2-4 players: winXP/2K, PIII-1GMhz or AMD equivalent, 128MB RAM, 128Kbps upstream (xDSL, cable, ISDN) 2-8 players: winXP/2K, PIV-1.7Ghz or AMD XP2200+ (1.8Ghz), 256MB RAM, 256Kbps upstream (xDSL, cable) 2-12 players: winXP/2K, PIV-2.0Ghz or AMD XP2600+ (2.13Ghz), 256MB RAM, 384Kbps upstream (xDSL, cable) 2-32 players: winXP/2K, PIV-3.0Ghz or AMD equivalent, 1GBB RAM, 1.5Mbps upstream (T1 or higher)
Q. THE GAME MANUAL SAYS THAT I CAN CONFIGURE MY SERVER WHEN I START IT. BUT THIS DOES NOT WORK A. The server uses the BCSETUPMP.INI file for its settings. You can use the BCServerConfig utility to setup your server parameters. The most important are the IP and PORT values and probably the name of your server. Q. I HAVE SETUP A SERVER BUT OTHERS CANNOT SEE IT IN THE GAME'S SERVER BROWSER A. The server uses standard DirectPlay UDP ports 2302-2304. If your server is behind a firewall or NAT, then you have to configure your firewall (or router) settings and forward those ports to the computer running the server. You do not need a designated DMZ machine for a server. You should also open/forward these ports, especially if you are using the ASE browser.
2302-2304 (UDP/TCP) 2425-2427 (UDP/TCP) 27243-27246 (UDP/TCP) 27900-27900 (UDP)
Q. I HAVE AN INTERNET SERVER ON MY LAN, BUT I CANNOT CONNECT TO IT USING A CLIENT ON THE SAME LAN. A. This is not currently supported. You cannot have clients on the local LAN connect to a computer designated as an Internet server and which also has a local LAN IP. In other words, your server should not have more than one IP. If you have this setup, then you need to disconnect the server from the local LAN subnet. If you want to host an Internet server and then join it via a client on the same LAN subnet as the server, you can't do it without first removing the server from the local LAN subnet. Or you can just setup the server as a LAN server and only clients on the same local LAN subnet can join it. Q. CAN I RUN A SERVER AND CLIENT ON THE SAME MACHINE? A. Yes, but this is NOT officially supported because multiplay requires a dedicated server for the best possible experience. Q. DO THE CLIENT AND SERVER HAVE COMMAND LINE OPTIONS? A. Yes. They both have several command line options which can be used depending on what you are doing. They are:
-nms : This will prevent the server from broadcasting to the master servers. Can be used in cases where you don't want anyone to see your server in the in-game browser or ASE. The only way for anyone to then join the server is if they know the IP address - and then they'd have to join the server using command line options. -n : disable intro animation. Neither the client nor the server play the intro animation, this switch simply prevents the screen mode switch during the intro bypass operation. -s : start in server mode. Without this, the app will start as a client -w1 : start in window mode. This is ignored if -s is also used because the server always runs in window mode -d? : in the server debug build, this creates a BCSDEBUG.LOG file which can be used for troubleshooting the server and clients connected to it. The ? value ranges from 1 to 5. The higher the value, the more that is recorded (which also impacts performance somewhat) -l? : in the server release build, this does the same logging that - d? does and to the BCSDEBUG.LOG file. The parameter must be in lower case and must be preceded by -s (when used on the server). e.g. "bcmg.exe -s -l3" +connect : connect directly to a server using IP:PORT format e.g. +connect +name : name to pass to server e.g. +name "John Doe". If the name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes +password : password to pass to server e.g. +password fleet_only. If the password contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes. Also, the underscore character cannot be the last character in the server password. +scenario : scenario used by server. Takes precedence over the BCSETUPMP.INI setting i.e. if +scenario is specified, then the value set in the INI file is ignored. e.g. "bcmg.exe +scenario bcmp0001"
Q. HOW DO I BROWSE FOR SERVERS USING ALL SEEING EYE? A. Read the documentation that came with the ASE browser. The command line parameters supported by the game are below. ASE already has filters setup for the game. You can also use command line parameters to connect to a server you frequent. This completely bypasses the in game browser and goes directly into the Start New Game screen.
bcmg.exe +connect ip:port +name "my name" +password "server password"


bcmg.exe +connect +name "John Doe" +password fleet_only
Q. I AM TRYING TO HOST AND JOIN A MULTIPLAYER GAME ON THE SAME MACHINE BUT ITS NOT WORKING A. Though this is possible, it is not supported. To connect a client to a server running on the same machine, create (you can just clone the existing Join MP Server shortcut) a new shortcut and add +connect commandline parameters. Then start the server and connect to it using the newly created shortcut.


Q. HOW COME THE SERVER ONLY RUNS IN GRAPHICS MODE? A. The server was designed to give server ops total control over their game servers and also for for future expandability in future BC games. Thats why it needs the graphics screen. And you can minimize it if desired. While minimized, it doesn't do any graphics rendering. The view you see is a scaled down version of Tacops and which gives you complete access to the server. You can use most of the viewing functions (mouse and keyboard supported) found in the Tacops client itself. Basically you can see all clients on the server and you can also zoom to other regions. In short, you have access to the entire multiplayer galaxy which includes space and planetary regions and you can see everything that goes on. While this is basically a monitoring tool in its current incarnation, in future versions server ops will have the ability to perform a host of server functions, including the ability to ban clients, select and chat with them, dynamically create world entities in real time (e.g. generate an NPC fleet in the middle of a group of players) etc Q. HOW CAN I BAN SOMEONE FROM MY SERVER? A. You cannot at the moment, though this is currently being implemented for a subsequent server update. Q. DOES THE SERVER HAVE A CONSOLE MODE? IF NOT, HOW CAN I ACCESS IT REMOTELY? A. It does not have a console mode. The graphics screen is the console. If you wish to access your server remotely, you can either use the Remote Desktop Connection tool in WINXP or download it for WIN2K. All you need to know is your server IP:PORT and password. You can then access it remotely as if you were sitting in front of it. Q. HOW CAN I RESTART MY SERVER IF IT CRASHES OR STOPS RESPONDING? A. You can use a third party utility such as ServerDoc to monitor and restart many programs. If you use this tool, please remember to make a contribution to the developers, for their efforts. Q. I ONLY HAVE ONE MACHINE, WHERE CAN I GET A DEDICATED SERVER FOR MY FLEET? A. Several networks offer a multitude of server options for multiplayer enthusiasts. Pick the service that is best for you and be sure to ask around first before paying for a server!! We have learned this the hard way just recently. Q. THERE IS MENTION OF A SKIRMISH GAMEPLAY MODE IN THE MANUAL. HOW DO I ENABLE IT ON MY SERVER? A. While ROAM and SKIRMISH game modes are supported, they are almost the same premise in that they are different by definition only. e.g. opposing sides on a roam server can still go head-to-head in skirmish mode. This distinction in (server config) is there only for server ops who wish to uphold the rules of their servers. Q. THE SERVER INI FILE HAS OPTIONS SUCH AS "ASSET SWITCHING". HOW DO I ENABLE THEM? A. Most of these options are hardcoded internally. Don't change them. And no, you cannot switch your asset. If you lose it, you won't get another one unless you rejoin the server. Q. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FLEET SERVER AND A REGULAR SERVER? A. None at the moment. The fleet designation is implemented so that gamers browsing for servers to play on, don't join a fleet server where specific rules and regulations need to be upheld. Also, fleet servers are almost always private servers which are password protected. In a future update, fleet leaders will have access to a special version of the server which allows the server state to be saved when gamers logoff. This way they can resume using their previous profile at a later date. Q. HOW CAN I CREATE MY OWN SCENARIOS FOR MY SERVER? A. You can't. The BCMP0000 scenario included with the game contains a massive galaxy containing the following:

Given the above, what other games consider to be individual "maps" which are run on rotation, are combined into a single seamless multiplayer world in this game. Q. HOW CAN I CHANGE THE SERVER STARTUP OPTIONS PRESENTED WHEN A CLIENT CONNECTS? A. You can't. These options are hard-coded into the server in order to prevent tampering. The options are as follows:

RACE : Terran, Empirian, Vesperon, Gammulan CASTE : Military, Insurgent, Trader, Raider CAREER : Commander, Planetary Support Pilot, Elite Force Pilot, Mobile Infantry Marine, Elite Force Marine ASSET : Many are supported and are based on the chosen career
ALLIANCES : Terran, Empirian are friendly to each other (The Good Guys) Gammulan, Vesperon are friendly to each other (The Bad Guys)
The good guys are hostile toward the bad guys, and vice versa
For more info on this, read this forum discussion thread