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Multiplayer server configuration & hosting

You can run a client and server on the same machine (i.e. non-dedicated server) as long as that machine meets with the multiplayer requirements mentioned in the game's FAQ.

  1. If running a non-dedicated server, you need to run the console server - not - the graphics server.
  2. If running a non-dedicated server and you want to improve performance, you need to use a UCCONFIG.INI file (created when you first run the game) which has lower setings for the server. However, this will apply to both the client and the server. Below* you will find links to this file for each of the game versions. 
  3. If you want to run a different UCCONFIG.INI for the client and server on an mp server, you need to clone your game install folder and use the cloned copy for the server. You would need to manually create the console server shortcut as well. You can do this by just making a copy (and renaming it) of the default version created by the install program, then changing the path in the shortcut to reflect the cloned folder path.
  4. If you wish to run a non-dedicated server - i.e. one on which you are not playing the game on - you will need two copies of the game. One for the server and one for the client. This is because the multiplayer executable is also DRM copy protected.
None of our earlier games were designed to run on Windows Server OS (e.g. Windows Server 2003), but Universal Combat Gold through Universal Combat Special Edition will run as long as the hardware has support for pixel and vertex shader 1.1 or higher.

Universal Combat Collectors' Edition has a special console server version which will run on Windows Server OS and does not require shader hardware.

* To use these configuration files, simply right-click to download and extract into your game folder, overwriting the existing version.

Universal Combat & Gold Config File

Universal Combat A World Apart Config File

Universal Combat Special Edition Config File

Universal Combat Collectors Edition Config File

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