Last Updated : 09/07/05 Entries in red are new in this version
Issues Under Investigation Known Issues - None Bugs Retail Version : 1.00.01 (Released on 02-04-04)
NOTE: This revision is part 1/2 of the final mp revision targeted for the final UC patch (see above).
HKLM\SOFTWARE\3000ad\Universal Combat\GCQminimize
WARNING: If you are running a localized version (e.g. Russian), before you apply a new patch, be sure to backup the (Russian) LANGUAGE.LNG file or it will be overwritten by the English version. After patching, replace the version added by the patch with the backup version.
server_bandwidth_limit (BL)
server_max_connection (MC)
spawn_time (ST)
start_delay (SD)
allow_ag (AG)e.g. V: BL:1.5Mbps MC:NO LIMIT ST:20 SD:20 AG:ON
Wed Apr 21 10:22:17 2005 SERVER (GCV-Warmonger) entered hyperspace Wed Apr 21 10:23:09 2005 SERVER TER/MIL Derek Smart (deployed) moved from MP_CASTRINZ to MP_SOMARISZ
id, xpid/lciid, race/caste, career, player name, asset name, asset type, rank, EP, region
Note that the CD-KEY will need to be authenticated once only. From that point on - and as long as the CD-KEY exists on the computer - no further authentication is performed unless the game folder is deleted after uninstalling the game.
Note that regardless of the game type (LAN or Internet), your CD-KEY will need to be authenticated once only. From that point on - and as long as the CD-KEY exists on your machine - you will not be prompted again. If you uninstall and re-install and decide to join a multiplayer game, you will need to re-authenticate your CD-KEY.
+up 128000 +down 512000
i.e in addition to SAD [region] [class] ...the following is also valid. SAD [class] eg: SAD 11 # class 11 is the LPAD as defined in OBJDEFS.SCR This restricts the object to selecting from only the specified class for targets until no more can be found. The object then reverts to selecting any target class. The object must have selected a target of the restricted class at least once before it can revert to selecting from any class. Sample usage: [dynamic] terran military,,f1,phantom,tango00 [ai] .f1,100,100,100,100,100,100,0 start on_planet earth earth00[sbase] 177.022 51.844 0 0 stop events !startup navigate this earth earth00[sbase] 181.743 53.680 0 wp1 !reach ^wp1 broadcast "TANGO-00: REACHED WAYPOINT. ENGAGING DETECTED LAUNCH PADS" sad 11 endevents
i.e IF HERE 'object' 'range' THEN... IF HERE PLAYER 'range' THEN... IF HERE BC 'range' THEN... The HERE condition is true when the object is less than 'range' meters from the object in scope. (the limits of range are 1 to 65535 meters) As previously, if the range is not specified or is 0, then the condition is TRUE when the objects share the same region. Sample Usage: [dynamic] terran military,,v1,cav,tango00 [ai] .f1,100,100,100,100,100,100,0 start on_planet earth earth00[sbase] 177.218 51.682 0 0 stop events !beginl1 IF HERE player 250 THEN broadcast "TANGO-00: I can detect the player within 250m" ENDIF signal check_for_player !check_for_player IF HERE player 5 THEN broadcast "TANGO-00: I can detect the player within 5m" ELSE broadcast "TANGO-00: I cannot detect the player" ENDIF endevents [event] #check for player today and at two minute intervals !check_for_player 0,2
By default, this type of avoidance is disabled. To enable it, add /A or -A (uppercase!) to the program shortcut.
When enabled, in some rare cases (e.g. buildings with complex structures), the units will perform several path tests in order to navigate around the building and this can cause them to take a bit longer to navigate around it, instead of just walking/driving over it.
Some saved games will be invalidated by this patch but the patch will not delete any existing saved games because only certain types are invalidated.
The new IA0121 and IA0122 scenarios take place in very hilly terrain and can be used
to test this feature.
To resolve conflicting requirements, the automatic egress is now performed only when the A/P is engaged and the player craft has LEAVE_PLANET tactical state (which would be appropriate when ordered to interact with some object in the surrounding space region).
This patch will delete ALL detected saved games which were created using the unsupported Quick Save featureGENERAL
World revisions: Foron region is now Mixed/Raider alliance Junae region is now Mixed/Trader alliance Station revisions: Irax (Vesperon/Military) station removed Polox (Mixed/Raider) station moved to Foron Velran station is now Mixed/Trader alliance Last Stop (Mixed/Trader) station moved to Neutral Zone region. Station additions: Guardstar (Terran/Military) station added in Junae region Eterna (Terran/Military) station added in Neutral Zone region Antilles (Terran/Insurgent) station added in Rovarix region Planetary base revions: All bases on Junae are now divided between Terran/Military and Terran/Insurgent All bases on Rovarix are now divided between Terran/Military and Terran/Insurgent All bases on Foron are now Mixed/Raider alliance There are now two Terran/Insurgent bases on Gendar Terran/Military Fleet station distribution: Paladian - Prime Fleet Victory - Orion Fleet Guardstar - ISS Fleet Eterna - Wraith Fleet Terran/Insurgent Fleet station distribution: Farpoint - Spectre Fleet Resilient - Eversor and Balor Fleets Antilles - Bishamon Fleet There are currently no established or official Vesperon, Empirian or Gammulan fleets. The traders and raiders do not have fleets. But raiders with organizations (e.g. The Devil's Hand) operate from wherever they like as they have several stations to operate from.
Since there is no ability for you or an NPC to carry an injured comrade to safety (wait for the next game), you have to ensure that you manually pull your people out of a hostile zone if they are badly injured as they will NOT abandon their order (and subsequently their comrades) without a direct order. i.e. an Assault Force Marine, carrying the devastatingly powerful A9MAG will never leave - even if he has a very low LF or very high FF. You have to find a safe location and then give him the order to escort you (and subsequently to that location) or another NPC (in a safe location). If you give the RTB, he will bugger off home and be lost to you.
NPC marines have long term memory - so treat them nicely or they will get you killed at the very first opportunity, by ignoring a direct order.
NOTE: that using a single MEDPAK, NUTRIPAK, or TOOLKIT (as viewed in the CVD/SMD) will not immediately change the stores manifest as they each have 2 and 4 uses respectively. The stores manifest will change after the healing process is completed, not when it starts.
NOTE: STO silos are still disabled until they can be prevented from activating several planet maps during their flight from planet to space. Once re-enabled, observing a base from orbit in order to execute an OTS strike, will trigger an OTS launch if a silo exists on the base/city being viewed.
If you are using a joystick the speed value is modified by the joystick throttle if enabled. This means that if you have thrust factor 9 set, then setting the throttle to min level will effectively bring the craft to a halt. While setting it to the max level (pushing it all the way forward), will take the craft up to the max thrust speed set by the 1-9 thrust settings. e.g. if you have thrust factor 9 set, then moving the throttle all the way forward will ramp the craft all the way up to its max speed. In the CC, this is dependent on the Logistix engine power setting. See below.
In the case of the CC, this is also dependent on the Logistix engine power settings. By default this is set to 5 (which keeps the engines on) which means that the thrust value of 9 will take the craft up to near cruise speed. e.g. if the craft's max speed is 400 m/s, a thrust factor of 9 with a power setting of 5, will take the craft up to around 300 m/s. At higher engine power settings (6-10), the craft will ramp up accordingly and use more fuel. e.g. at engine power 10, the craft can go up to 400 m/s.
PLANET - increased from 12.5 m/s to 15.0 m/s and boost reduced from x5 to x2 SPACE - increased from 42.0 m/s to 250.0 m/s and boost reduced from x5 to x2
Also tweaked some properties of all gunships e.g. they are now a tad faster, the Blackghost gunship now has a pair of mounted guns etc etc
Messages are displayed in a first in, first out fashion (they scroll up) and contain info about the sender such as race/caste alliance, time sent etc.
Up to 16K worth of messages are displayed in the chat log window. These are identical to what is recorded in the .LOG files, though those files can grow larger than the 16K that is displayed in the chat log window. The chat log window can be navigated when the chat message window is active, as follows :
If the chat log window is closed, use of a navigation key will open it.UP/DOWN arrow: scroll up/down one message at a time PGUP/PGDN : scroll up/down one page at a time HOME/END : scroll to top/bottom of the list
If a chat log navigation key is used, the chat message window is not closed when ESC is pressed to leave the chat message window.
Normally when chat messages arrive, the chat log scrolls to the end of the list so the message is visible. This is disabled while navigating the chat log.
The chat log window has a header that indicates the number of messages in the log and the number of messages that have not been "read" (i.e. seen). The header has two carets similar to Perscan that indicate that there are additional messages before or after the section being viewed.
The chat message log is color coded as follows :
On Client Yellow: outgoing messages White: messages from server Green: messages from friendlies Red: messages from hostiles Cyan: all other incoming message sources On Server Yellow: outgoing messages White: incoming messages
In order to send a message, press the ESC key as before, type the message and send it as normal (e.g. by pressing ENTER).
To remove both the chat send and log windows, press the ESCAPE key twice.
To see the clients on the server, use SHIFT+ESC to activate the clients list.
Chat and mp related messages are no longer sent via the COMMLINK system. They all go through the chat log system.
Because the PLV is only active for 4 seconds it has higher priority than the chat log window since they are both displayed at the same screen location.